Microsoft Entra Verified ID (previously known as Verifiable Credentials) is an enterprise-grade decentralized identity service built on blockchain technology based on open standards. Microsoft Entra Verified ID lets you issue and verify workplace credentials, education status, certifications, or any unique identity attributes in a global ecosystem designed for secure interaction between people, organizations, and things. Crucially, Verified ID enables everyone to own and control their own identity and choose when and whether to provide or revoke access to businesses or services they interact with.
Verifiable credentials are a set of claims made by an organization or entity called the ‘issuer’ attesting information about a person.
For example, this could be a university (issuer) attesting to the fact that a person (the subject) is a currently enrolled student (claim). The issuer creates a digital signature as proof that they attest to this information. This signature is a verifiable credential and can be stored in a digital wallet on the person’s mobile device that they can choose to share with other establishments that require proof (Verifier) that the person is indeed a student enrolled at the university.
Verified ID empowers you to confidently issue and verify workplace credentials, education status, certifications, or any unique identity attributes. Here is how.
Verified ID can unlock a new set of experiences that give users and organizations greater control over their data—and deliver a higher degree of trust and security for apps, devices, and service providers.
As a contributor to the Decentralized Identity Foundation, WhoIAM has been closely involved with implementing foundational prototypes during the inception of Verified ID, and has a wealth of experience in architecting and deploying Verified ID end-to-end across mobile wallets, web apps, and the integration API layer.
Some of our credentials in this space: